IWAY: a history lesson
I have slowle noticed that most of the current iway players do not know the oorigins of the build they play, or how to play it for that matter. I am also a little bored of rolling every IWAY I come across, and would like to recieve a challence every oce in awhile.
As you can guess, IWAY started when someone looked at the skill "I Will Avenge You," and decided to make an 8 man group of all warriors with pets, since IWAY works for pets. Back in those days, people actually bothered with killing pets, so the build was successful. Someone modded the build with a N/Mo using both order of pain and order of the vampire, so that each attack from the warriors did +17 damage and stole 17 health.
The 7 w/r + orders build stayed a good while, until someone discovered how to beat regular IWAYs. They added what is today known as a "tainted necro." The first groups to use tainted beat IWAY almost every time, because they had the advantage of constant health degen on the other team.
After the spirit spamming nerf, everyone started modding iway all over the place. They added mesmers, monks, you name it. The build that stayed is the current 4 w/r, 2 trapper, dual necro iway. The attack seed was capped at 150% due to a bug (bug = laziness of A-net), and it worked pretty well.
However, after the factions pve skill balance, the iway group got a severe nerf. Not only did they lower the attack speed cap to 133%, they also lowered IWAY's attack speed bonus. With TF already on every warrior's bar, IWAY is useless for gaining attack speed, it only serves as health regen now.
In addition, orders will not stack, and tainted can't be used with order of the vampire.
The only way IWAY wins now is by playing smart, which most iwayers do not know how to do. IWAY is a pressure build, meaning you have to pound as much damage on the other team as quickly as possible. Time after time I see iway groups who hold back against mostly caster groups, then they lose because they play defensive. IWAY and defensive are completely opposite words. Play offensive, beat on the monks of the other team.
Relic Strategy
Rush toward the other team, kill their monks. If you can't, have trappers trap all over the place, especially choke points. Have ONE warrior run a relic, preferrably the sprint warrior.
Altar Strategy
Drop EOE and hope for the best. I am not joking. There is no way in hell IWAY wins relics because they have no way to keep a ghost alive. You just have to kill their party members very very quickly. If you are facing a holding team, such as ranger/necro spike, I suggest you leave and go back to town, because you will not win.
Priest Annihilation
First, trap up your team's priest area. Go straight for their priest, only drop NR and PRED. If you can't kill it, have trappers and possibly one warrior attack the priest while the other warriors beat down on monks. After you drop their priest, fight like you would on an
Annihilation Match
Go straight for monks, trappers do not go on top of brigges, traps don't work there because nobody ever goes under them. Trap around the area where the groups are fighting. When you can, lay spike traps next to monks and KEEP NR UP!
I hope to see more SMART iway teams in HA. Maybe one of them will beat me someday